Pre-School Registration |

Items to Note:
Sessions are 8:25 AM-11:25 AM or 12:30 PM-3:30 PM
Transportation: Busing is not available for preschool students
Morning drop-off: There is no morning supervision before 8:20 AM. Please make arrangements to drop your child off after 8:20 AM.
Child must be potty trained
Once accepted into preschool you will need to be able to provide the following information:
Birth Certificate - please bring the original document with the raised seal to the District Office so we can make a copy
Immunization Records - may be faxed over by your physician (402)873-6030
Divorce, separation or custody papers showing legal guardianship (if applicable)
Proof of residency - valid documents include: utility bill, rental agreement, mortgage, lease, property tax bill, etc
Note: A driver's license and junk mail are not valid proof of residency
Application Process
Applications will be accepted from March 1st to March 31st. Please click the link at the top of the page to fill out the application. ** Returning preschool families, please watch for a slip to be sent home with your student. Fill the slip out and return it to the district office or your child's teacher.
Acceptance letters with instructions for completing the registration process will be mailed out in late April. Please note, birth certificates MUST be on file and all forms must be complete prior to May 31st to secure your child's place.
Contact Ahna Nelson at (402) 873-6033 or if you have questions.
Preschool enrollment will follow Board Policy 6040.
What will be included in your acceptance mailer?
Asthma/Allergy Action Plan - If medication needs to be administered during the school day please have a physician complete the action plan (yellow form).
Application to get a new birth certificate if you have misplaced the original. Please send in for a new birth certificate as soon as you can as it can take 6-8 weeks to receive it through the mail.
For returning students, there will be a contact form for you to update and return to school. New Families, you will receive an email with instructions for completing the enrollment process online.
Supply list